Home > Application Services > Application Maintenance and Support

The Perituza team has a long and proven track record of providing superior application support and maintenance services to our customers. We have helped organizations located all over the world and in a multitude of industries to get the most out of their solutions.

The Perituza team has a long and proven track record of providing superior application support and maintenance services to our customers. We have helped organizations located all over the world and in a multitude of industries to get the most out of their solutions.

Our team has decades of experience
satisfying all aspects of our customers’
application maintenance and support needs.

Predictability and flexibility
We offer flexible support options and payment terms that meet your budget. You have the peace of mind knowing that your support needs are met and exactly what your costs are.

Availability and responsiveness
Our team of professionals offers post-delivery technical support. We take pride in ensuring that your systems are always on and always performing.

We ensure that you are running the latest
products and upgrades to help you get the most out of your applications.
Support tier levels
We offer 3 levels of support that can be customized to meet your unique business needs.

Tier 1
This support option includes a dedicated team that processes user resolution queries and requests. Our service team categorizes and prioritizes support issues. We investigate the problem to identify possible resolutions. Depending on the level of complexity, we either solve issues at this level or route them to a higher level of support. Your support specialist will track the issue until it is resolved, providing you with prompt and detailed status updates.

Tier 2
This tier features a highly trained professional support team. We offer troubleshooting and monitor your systems to identity performance issues. The team will handle routine maintenance and regularly install required updates.

Tier 3
Our team of professional engineers handle complex technical issues like database administration, application modification, bugs, and network repairs. The team has a thorough understanding of your platform and underlying technologies, as well as server-side access to provide immediate support.
At Perituza, we recognize that businesses face unique challenges and have varying levels of support needs. For these reasons we offer the choice of several flexible pricing models including:

Fixed monthly fee
You are provided with a dedicated team of support specialists to meet all your technical support needs at a fixed monthly fee. With this option you know exactly what your support costs are and can plan accordingly.

Time and material
With this option you are billed monthly for support and maintenance work that was actually performed.

Bucket pricing
The bucket pricing model provides some of the fixed cost certainty of our monthly option without a monthly commitment. You purchase a block of hours at a reduced hourly rate that can be utilized for your ongoing support needs.
Technologies we support
Our team has experience providing support and maintenance services for a wide range of technologies and platforms. Some of the technologies that we support include:
- 5.NET
- 5Python
- 5Angular
- 5VB 6
- 5React
- 5PHP
- 5CSS
- 5Node.js
- 5.iOS
- 5Progressive Web Apps
- 5Android
- 5Apache Cordova
- 5Xamarin
- 5Flutter
- 5Microsoft Azure
- 5Rackspace
- 5Amazon Web Services
- 5Instaclustr
- 5Google Cloud Platform
- 5DigitalOcean
- 5Dynamics Business Central
- 5Dynamics 365
- 5SharePoint (on-prem and online)
- 5Dynamics NAV
- 5Dynamics GP
- 5Power Automate and Power Apps
- 5Office 365
- 5Power BI
- 5Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL
- 5Cassandra
- 5PostgreSQL
- 5MySQL
- 5MongoDB
- 5DynamoDB
- 5.NET
- 5Python
- 5Angular
- 5VB 6
- 5React
- 5PHP
- 5CSS
- 5Node.js
- 5.iOS
- 5Android
- 5Apache Cordova
- 5Xamarin
- 5Flutter
- 5Progressive Web Apps
- 5Microsoft Azure
- 5Rackspace
- 5DigitalOcean
- 5Instaclustr
- 5Google Cloud Platform
- 5Amazon Web Services
- 5Dynamics Business Central
- 5Dynamics 365
- 5Power BI
- 5Dynamics NAV
- 5Dynamics GP
- 5Power Automate and Power Apps
- 5Office 365
- 5SharePoint (on-prem and online)
- 5Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL
- 5Cassandra
- 5PostgreSQL
- 5MySQL
- 5MongoDB
- 5DynamoDB
Choose your level of world-class support
Contact our professional team to discuss the application support and maintenance services that best meet your needs and objectives.
Home > Application Services > Application Maintenance and Support

The Perituza team has a long and proven track record of providing superior application support and maintenance services to our customers. We have helped organizations located all over the world and in a multitude of industries to get the most out of their solutions.

Our team has decades of experience satisfying all aspects of our customers’ application maintenance and support needs.

Predictability and flexibility
We offer flexible support options and payment terms that meet your budget. You have the peace of mind knowing that your support needs are met and exactly what your costs are.

Availability and responsiveness
Our team of professionals offers post-delivery technical support. We take pride in ensuring that your systems are always on and always performing.

We ensure that you are running the latest
products and upgrades to help you get the most out of your applications.
Support tier levels
We offer 3 levels of support that can be customized to meet your unique business needs.

Tier 1
This support option includes a dedicated team that processes user resolution queries and requests. Our service team categorizes and prioritizes support issues. We investigate the problem to identify possible resolutions. Depending on the level of complexity, we either solve issues at this level or route them to a higher level of support. Your support specialist will track the issue until it is resolved, providing you with prompt and detailed status updates.

Tier 2
This tier features a highly trained professional support team. We offer troubleshooting and monitor your systems to identity performance issues. The team will handle routine maintenance and regularly install required updates.

Tier 3
Our team of professional engineers handle complex technical issues like database administration, application modification, bugs, and network repairs. The team has a thorough understanding of your platform and underlying technologies, as well as server-side access to provide immediate support.
At Perituza, we recognize that businesses face unique challenges and have varying levels of support needs. For these reasons we offer the choice of several flexible pricing models including:

Fixed monthly fee
You are provided with a dedicated team of support specialists to meet all your technical support needs at a fixed monthly fee. With this option you know exactly what your support costs are and can plan accordingly.

Time and material
With this option you are billed monthly for support and maintenance work that was actually performed.

Bucket pricing
The bucket pricing model provides some of the fixed cost certainty of our monthly option without a monthly commitment. You purchase a block of hours at a reduced hourly rate that can be utilized for your ongoing support needs.
Technologies we support
Our team has experience providing support and maintenance services for a wide range of technologies and platforms. Some of the technologies that we support include:
- .NET
- Python
- Angular
- VB 6
- React
- Node.js
- .iOS
- Progressive Web Apps
- Android
- Apache Cordova
- Xamarin
- Flutter
- Microsoft Azure
- Rackspace
- Amazon Web Services
- Instaclustr
- Google Cloud Platform
- DigitalOcean
- Dynamics Business Central
- Dynamics 365
- SharePoint (on-prem and online)
- Dynamics NAV
- Dynamics GP
- Power Automate and Power Apps
- Office 365
- Power BI
- Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL
- Cassandra
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- DynamoDB